Vocal Production
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77 Profiles found
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Anna Grace Odom
Nashville, United States
Student from Nashville
Anniek Raedschelders
Bree, Belgium
Musician from Bree
Ariette Florence / Fleur Constandse
Vocalist, Songwriter, Producer
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Vocalist, Songwriter, Producer from Amsterdam
Gallery Assistant
Berlin, Germany
Gallery Assistant from Berlin
Bianca Alana
Musical Artist
Darwen, United Kingdom
Musical Artist from Darwen
Bonnie Bogovich
Sound Designer and Voice Artist
Austin, United States
Sound Designer and Voice Artist from Austin
Bri Holland
Los Angeles, United States
Producer from Los Angeles
Bridget Barkan
Performing Artist
New York, United States
Performing Artist from New York
Brook Evelyn
Audio Engineer/Live Sound Tech
Brisbane, Australia
Audio Engineer/Live Sound Tech from Brisbane
Brooke R. Calder
Minneapolis, United States
Songwriter/Producer/Engineer from Minneapolis
Candela Cibrian
Music Producer, Songwriter, Session Singer and Vocal Producer
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Music Producer, Songwriter, Session Singer and Vocal Producer from Buenos Aires
Cassandra Isbell
Los Angeles, United States
Engineer/Manager from Los Angeles
Catherine Jaffee
Founder, Producer House of Pod
Denver, United States
Founder, Producer House of Pod from Denver
Charlene Gibbs
Los Angeles, United States
Producer/Mixer/Engineer from Los Angeles
Deanna Fielding
Audio Engineer
White Plains, United States
Audio Engineer from White Plains
Diana Chow
Music Producer
Los Angeles, United States
Music Producer from Los Angeles
Digital Frequencies Collective (NZ)
Chief Operating Officer
Auckland, New Zealand
Chief Operating Officer from Auckland
Elana Carroll aka Party Nails
Producer, Composer, Artist
Los Angeles, United States
Producer, Composer, Artist from Los Angeles
Emma Nova Young
Audio Engineer
Philadelphia, United States
Audio Engineer from Philadelphia
Erin Sinead
Sound Engineer / Producer
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Sound Engineer / Producer from Glasgow
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Recording Engineer
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Audio Engineering Society
Women's Audio Mission