Five tips to land a job at a sound or music studio
Business Tips
April Tucker is a Los Angeles-based re-recording mixer and sound editor who works in television, film and new media. She holds both a Master’s Degree and a Bachelor’s Degree in Music/Sound Recording. April enjoys doing educational outreach such as writing for industry blogs, giving lectures and presentations.

Here are April's five tips to land a job at a sound or music studio. 

1. Get a recommendation from a connection 

A lot of studios hire by word of mouth vs job listings. Find out if you know someone who works at a studio you're interested in, has worked there, or is friends with someone who works there. If it’s someone you know, ask if they will send your resume or introduce you. Or, send your resume directly to the studio using that person as a referral (with their permission).


2. Cater your resume to the position you’re applying to

Studios want to see that you're willing to do the actual job you're being hired for - not the one you're working towards. Focus on the things that are different about you that might help the studio. Do you speak a foreign language? Are you good at computer repair? Do you own a car and are willing to do runs? A studio wants to see that you're going to do whatever is needed on the job.


3. Be open-minded to get a foot in the door

Don’t rule out internships or PA/runner jobs even if you feel that’s above your experience level. Other non-traditional positions to get a foot in the door might include studio tech, scheduling/operations, client services, or personal assistant.


4. Focus your time in the right places

  • Keep your CV (list of credits/projects) page up to date (and iMDB if you are in film/tv)

  • Create a professional-looking website (a visual resume)

  • A demo is not necessary for entry level jobs

  • Don't spend much time looking online for jobs

  • Build connections and get to know people

  • Go to industry events and talk to people


5. If you get an interview, be yourself.

Studios may hire someone more based on personality and ability/willingness to learn than existing skills. Studios also look for applicants with enthusiasm for the job they are hired for - like not expecting an immediate promotion or to be mixing as an intern.

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Read April’s SoundGirls Blog 

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